Unwanted Stretch marks

by Naomi Coertze
(South Africa)

I have gained lots of weight the past 3 years. I've tried everything for the horrible reddish stretch marks all over my stomach, hips and inner arms. To date I have lost 17kg and still going strong. Can u please assist me with this unwanted stretch marks and some cellulite?

Kind Regard
Naomi Coertze

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Mar 09, 2010
Lighten unwanted strecth marks
by: Liani Widjaja

Hi Naomi,

You can make Cellulite Massage Oil. Apply them twice a day.

Other options is buy Scar Lightening blend as this has very good blend of essential oils and carrier oils to help the skin and underlying tissues to heal.

Because stretch marks damage the underlying structure of the skin you cannot eliminate them with out surgical removal BUT you might be able to lighten them from the bright red they are when they first appear by using the Scar lightening blend.

Thanks for writing,

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