My swollen gums and Panaway

by Kris Naillon
(Baker City, Oregon)

I woke up one morning with a very sore mouth. I had swollen gums and they were very painful.I only had a few oils and grabbed the Panaway and within a few minuets I could feel it working. It got me through the weekend,saving me a trip to the ER and the bill as well.


Comments for My swollen gums and Panaway

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Mar 02, 2009
PanAway Essential Oils
by: Liani Widjaja

Hi Kris,

I used to think that PanAway*) essential oils is for body massage to help with circulation system and dealing with muscle and joint discomfort. Never thought that you can use it for swollen gum.

Nice story.

*)PanAway essential oil is a proprietary blend of wintergreen, clove, peppermint, and helichrysum from Young Living.

Mar 08, 2009
Caution about using PanAway internally
by: Penny

Although I'm sure the essential oils in the PanAway blend were able to give you relief from the pain and swelling, it is not a good practice ever to ingest any essential oils.

Now, I understand you most likely were not 'ingesting' them but just applying to the gums. I do hope you were diluting the drops into some water and just rinsing your mouth.

PanAway and Birch Hill Happenings Aromatherapy's Dar's Blend (similar to PanAway) both have Methyl Salicylate in them in high concentration to warrant a Consumer Product Saftey Warning to not be ingested.

Methyl Salicylates in small quantities can cause liver damage and other internal organ problems.

So please, only use these blends occasionally or for short term MASSAGE.

Even in massage Methyl Salicylates can be absorbed through the skin. So again I stress using either PanAway or Dar's Blend for massage should be for short term muscular soreness - such as when muscles are overworked - say from excessive use while moving furniture.

Neither blend should ever be used for chronic ailments such as arthritis or unexplained joint pains that last for more than a day or two.

Methyl Salicylates build up in the liver over time as the body has a hard time eliminating them.

So Please use any blend that contains Sweet Birch or Wintergeen oils for short term and for massage only.

Penny Keay
Certified Clinical Medical Aromatherapist

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