by Chaela
Well hello everyone,The first time I saw results from essentials oils was one day back in 1999, I was six months pregnant and I was cooking at the stove ,I removed a pan of boiling water from the hob and the tea towel. I was using caught the top grill ..the water poured over the side and over my left hand....the pain was awful ,I put my hand which was burned all over the back and around my wrist to a second degree bordering on third under the cold water tap but was in such pain.
I went to my mothers house that was thankfully not far and she put my hand in ice water while she prepared a mixture of lavender and tea tree oils. She put loads all over the burnt places,and a bandage n top . I re-applied the oils regularly over the next few days, then about a week later I was talking to my chemist about things and I showed her my hand, it was in the process of losing the skin and looked horrible,she said have you seen a doctor I replied that no, I was dealing with it,she said I was mad and I would surely get an infection.I said I'll be back to show you later...
10 days later I could leave it uncovered and it was visibly so much better I couldn't wait to show her,needless to say she was amazed and asked me what i was using she'd never seen anything like it...I have no scars at all...well now lavender goes on everything its my favorite,but I just think they are wonderful gifts from God.they smell so nice and they are useful ,what a beautiful way to heal ones ills.
More on Information about Lavender....
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