Fennel Essential Oils

Properties, Characteristics and Uses of Fennel Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

Botanical name : Foeniculum Vulgare.

Origin : Spain.

Scent : a sweet aniseed-like aroma.

Note : Middle.

This essential oil is extracted from the seed by steam distillation.

Blends well with Geranium, Lavender and Sandalwood


Fennel Essential Oils

Sweet Fennel is a known food flavoring ingredient that is widely used. The odor it has that is like aniseed makes it a good ingredient to alcoholic beverages, in oral hygiene products and in some medicine for cough both in drop and syrup form. The essential oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant after crushing it.

Fennel essential oil has chemical components that is good for a variety of conditions. Some are appropriate for strengthening the spleen and the liver, carminative and stomachic. These chemical substances are also good for treating dyspepsia and nausea as well.

Another substance is good for expelling parasitic worms in the digestive tract, this chemical is known as Anthelmintic. Altogether this oil has a laxative effect that flushes these parasitic worms out of your system. This is also a diuretic that induces the micturition reflex for those who are having trouble urinating. This chemical component is good for obese people because it has the laxative and diuretic effect.

Antilithic is another substance that may also help in dissolving or kidney stones and helps prevent the occurrence of that as well.

Fennel has the notable quality of hormone regulating effect. Due of its estrogenic nature it is a very good solution for hormonal imbalances especially in women. With regulated and balanced hormonal level, the symptoms of Pre Menstrual Syndrome and even Menopausal Syndrome may be suppressed or to the least eased. Being estrogenic, the use of the substance will help in increasing milk production to lactating women, this characteristic is termed Galactogogue.

Fennel seeds are very good food flavoring that has been used since remote past. It is somehow, by curiosity, that the other properties of this beneficial plant has been determined in more recent years and then applied.

This oil may be extracted from the seeds of this plant and the substance obtained has high levels of phenylpropanoids that gives the essential oil its antiseptic quality, treatment to gas (carminative), diuretic effect, laxative effect and stimulant quality.

This Fennel essential oils trans anethole substance present in the seed extract is the distinct chemical compound found in it that makes this plant versatile in terms of uses compared to other essential oil origins. The seed extract, having some similar characteristics to aniseed, makes it a good base component for liqueur, oral hygiene products and flavorings or food additive.

This Fennel essential oil also helps increase the production of liver enzymes that are powerful substances for ridding the body of carcinogenic compounds.


Women with high estrogen levels, like gestating women, is cautioned in taking this essential oil extract due of its effect in furthering the production of estrogen of the body that is harmful to both the mother and the fetus.

Like child bearing mothers, breast Cancer patients are discouraged in taking this essential oil as well as those with problems with their uterus precedent to the current cancer condition that naturally would trigger an increase in estrogen level production.

Research shows that Methyl Chavicol was found carcinogenic. It is extremely important that the intake of this oil is regulated so the amounts in the body does not exceed a threshold. Once a week intake is the most advised dosage.

In case of over dosage, the person may experience hallucination, convulsions and other narcotic effect. People with epilepsy is advised not to take this oil.

Buy Essential Oils

Available in 1/2 oz. up to 16 oz. Price starts from $4.50 Buy Fennel Essential Oils

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How To Use

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