Essential oils and herbs storage

I am making a concoction to help with acne. I know your site isn't about skin care but I hope you can help me with this question since you know about essential oils.

The mixture I am using is fresh rosemary and thyme chopped up and mixed into an ounce of lavender oil. Is it possible to store this mixture as is for any length of time? Thank you for any assistance you can offer.

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Feb 20, 2009
Storing essential oils and herbs together
by: Cristl Arndt

Essential oils are sensitive to light and oxygen, so your concoction should be stored in an amber or cobalt container, preferably with a small opening to help reduce contact with the air. Since the herbs are in the lavender oil, it would probably be best to store your concoction in the refrigerator. Essential oils maintain their therapeutic quality for up to 2 years under these conditions (cold, dark with limited oxygen exposure), and as for the herbs, they should be OK for a couple of months stored this way.

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