Essential oil blend for heal sores

by M. Field
(Auckland, New Zealand)


I am wanting to make up my own combination of essential oils into a solution that I can spray onto my neck and scalp to sooth/heal sores that I have on my skin.

I am at the moment using an Aloe Vera based spray solution from Herbalife in which I have put Jojoba Oil and Derma Oil. This combination seems to be soothing but only for a short time and I am running out of the solution.

I saw your site but I need some guidance as to how to make up my own solution.

I believe I may have blocked pores which are causing my skin to erupt and become infected. Also I have sleep apnea and wear a mask and strap around my head each night and I thought maybe something on or from the strap may be
causing my skin to erupt as the "infection" seems to be around the area where the strap sits on my head or maybe sweat from my pillow is causing something I'm not sure.

Anyway, I would like some help to make up a solution, please?

Kind Regards,

M. Field

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Apr 25, 2011
Help with skin
by: Penny Keay

Hi M Fields,
There are any number of essential oils that can be blended into a solution you can apply to your skin to help heal these types of sores.

A simple solution would be Aloe Vera Liquid (the juice for the aloe vera plant)and mix in 100% Pure Essential oil of Lavender.

Although you could spray it on it would be much better at helping you by gently applying with a cotton pad.

Also since oil and water (Aloe Vera liquid is water based) you should use a little bit of an emulsifier to help keep the essential oils in suspension.

Mix this blend fresh each week since it doesn't have any preservative and keep it refrigerated.

To make the Face Blend:
Mix 12 drops Lavender oil with 12 drops Emulsifier (we have a coconut oil derived emulsifier that works great).

Mix well then add 2 oz of Aloe Vera. Shake well and then place on a cotton pad and use to wipe your face AFTER you have washed it with a mild soap and dried it with a soft towel. Do this a couple times a day.

NOW for stubborn 'sores' you may want to use our "Fresh Face Blend" instead of the Lavender. (That is provided you are from the USA or Canada - if not you will have to contact me personally off list for a recipe that will work like the Fresh Face Blend).

AND don't forget to clean the Mask and it's straps with a mild soap and water solution and thoroughly rinse and dry this too. You need to do this on a daily basis - especially if there are potential 'germs' causing your situation to fail to improve.

Good Luck and hope this helps.

Penny Keay
Certified Clinical Medical Aromatherapist
Birch Hill Happenings Aromatherapy, LLC

Apr 25, 2011
What I am thinking of Trying
by: Murray Field


Thank you for your comment...

I am thinking of trying seawater in about a 750ml plastic spray nottle with Jojoba Oil, Frankensense and Bergamot.

But I'm not sure of the correct amounts to add to the water and also you mentioned something about an emulsifier?


Apr 25, 2011
by: Penny Keay

Hi Murray,
You could try seawater - although unless it has been boiled to help to 'kill' any unwanted bacteria and filtered to remove any algae or other germs, it would not be advised to use this.

Also for the skin problems you are experiencing Jojoba is contraindicated. In many people Jojoba is wonderful for skin care, but in folks that get 'clogged' pores easily Jojoba is not recommended.

The best suggestion for you is to use Distilled water in place of the seawater. To make 750 mL bottle of seawater toner (which is what you are making) you could add 24 drops of Frankincense and 24 drops of Bergamot FCF. Again as before essential oils and water do not mix and you would need to add the essential oils to an emulsifier first then add this to the water.

Is there a reason you want to put this in a "Spray bottle"? It is not recommended to spray anything like this for use on the face.

Essential oils could more easily be sprayed into the eyes and believe me this would be extremely painful.

The best suggestion is to use a cotton pad to apply your seawater blend.

And because there is no preservative to prevent bacteria or molds to grow you need to mix your 'water & essential oil" blend fresh every week.

I suggest you mix smaller batches so you don't waste your precious essential oils.

Hope this helps.

Yours in Aromatherapy,
Penny Keay
Certified Clinical Medical Aromatherapist

Apr 26, 2011
This new option sounds better
by: Murray Field


I like your second option.

Could you tell me what emulsifier to use, please?

I prefer to use a spray on my legs, hair and scalp because I find it easier to apply and it absorbs into the skin well.


Apr 26, 2011
by: Penny Keay

Hi Murray,

We carry 3 different emulsifiers. Coconut emulsifier, Polysorbate 20 and Turkey Red.

We feel these are the most natural or least likely to cause anyone problems.

The best for your situation may be the Coconut based emulsifier. Polysorbate 20 is fine too but Turkey Red is usually used for bath oils when added to the bathtub.

Most emulsifiers are added to your essential oils at a 1:1 ratio but some essential oils may need extra emulsifier to keep it in suspension. Unfortunately this may be a trial and error situation as each essential oil has a different constituents and may require more emulsifier.

Penny Keay
Certified Clinical Medical Aromatherapist

Apr 26, 2011
Will give it a go!
by: Murray Field

Thanks very much.

I'll try like you suggested.

Would you like to know how I get on?


Apr 27, 2011
by: Penny Keay

Hi Murray,

Please do let us know how things work for you.

As if it works good for you, we may be able to help someone else too.


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