dark, glass bottles

by Charmaine Harcus
(South Africa)

Please explain to me why mixes of essential oils with a carrier oil needs to be stored in a dark, glass container. I understand why the dark container but not sure about the glass. What i am actually asking is could one store these mixed items in dark plastic bottles - would this be ok?

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Mar 02, 2010
Chemical degradation
by: Liani Widjaja

Chemical degradation is one of the reason that essential oils may reduce its quality over time. The 3 main reasons for degradation is atmospheric oxygen, heat and light.

why dark glass not plastic? because it will filter the sunlight, while plastic can't. and also plastic can make the essential oils contaminated.

Liani Widjaja

Read more >>> Storage for essential oils

Mar 03, 2010
glass or plastic
by: tina

You may use dark plastic, BUT, it must be a specific make of plastic that does not melt or warp, plus, research shows that the molecules of plastic do attach to the liquids therein, for that reason, glass, dark glass is the best.
If dark glass is not available, be sure to label the bottle completely with a good quality paper, (i use a type of material label) in order to protect the content.
Another alternative is to use the glass, but decant the small portion you are working with, into plastic.
I still maintain that glass is best in every aspect, and as a "professional, that's the way to go"
kind regards
Body and Health

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